Welcome back after Spring Break! PLEASE remember to self-screen every day prior to coming to school. If you have been a close contact (within 6 feet for 15 cumulative minutes or more) to a positive case of COVID 19 or you are showing symptoms as listed below,do not come to school. Call the school nurse and use this link to report, https://forms.gle/A9NURV9EdCog3Got5 Showing one of the following: Fever (100.4 F or greater) Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Loss of taste or smell New or worsening cough OR two (2) of the following: Sore throat Muscle aches Chills Fatigue Headache Congestion or runny nose Diarrhea Nausea or vomiting, Again, we welcome you back to school! If you are having symptoms being a close contact, household contact or positive. Please use this link to and a school nurse will follow up with you. https://forms.gle/A9NURV9EdCog3Got5
almost 4 years ago, MCMS
Link to pageant video https://youtu.be/9GnoRaoBbr0
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
April Menus
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
April Breakfast Menu
April Lunch Menu
Mid-Carolina Middle School congratulates our Teacher of the Month, Mr. Brady Hanes. Mr. Hanes is an 8th Social Studies teacher. He was voted on by his peers who stated, “He is always accountable for both students and staff. He helps keep us straight!”. We are Rebel Proud of Mr. Hanes and showing the mindset, 100% Accountable. Mid-Carolina Middle School congratulates our Support Staff of the Month, Ms. Kelly Kibler. Ms. Kibler works in the cafeteria and as an evening custodian. She was voted on by her peers who shared that she is a hard worker who wears many hats with a smile on her face. We are Rebel Proud of Ms. Kibler and showing the mindset, 100% Accountable.
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
support staff of the month
teacher of the month
Mid-Carolina Middle School congratulates our Rebels of the Month. These students exemplified the mindset, 100% Accountable. They chose to be responsible for their own happiness and success! We are Rebel Proud! Addie Bowers, Emory Pye, Reagan Bannister, Wesley Fowler, Jaylnn Gallman, Hunter Gray, Jadzia McCall, Jacob Lindler, Jaida Wicker, Will Force, Kelby Myers, Nolan O’Neal, Colton Wicker, Heaven Wicker, Brayden Archery, Sarah Morrison, Blake Mills, Aireka Caine, and Eddie Sligh
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
SOM March
Congratulations! The following students were recognized by the SDNC Office of Instruction as Junior Scholars: Ryan Crooks, Eliza Dixon, Kassidy Harrison, Emma Metts, Jackson Miller, Lane Muller, and Lillian Stuck. #Rebelproud
almost 4 years ago, MCMS
MCMS Jr. Scholars
Please see the following link to help support students with i-Ready. https://youtu.be/dSzP7OqSwsI
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
MCMS Topic: Parent Institute: i-Ready Time: Mar 24, 2021 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join our iReady Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99952933274?pwd=WWhHSUxEejIwanQvejRiQ3RMb2FkUT09 Meeting ID: 999 5293 3274 Passcode: K8Vsb9
almost 4 years ago, MCMS
Parent Institute: iReady
almost 4 years ago, Jared Jones
Link to Athletic Awards Video https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Li7bxPjOLucfifavpQam2VA8WLTq1WH/view?usp=sharing Girls B-ball @ 17 sec, Volleyball @2:50, Football @ 4:06, Cheer @ 8:49, Boys B-Ball @ 11:23, Wrestling @ 13:36
almost 4 years ago, Jared Jones
Thank You!
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
library fundraiser
Upcoming Testing Dates
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
testing dates
In preparation for the 2021-2022 school year, all parents are asked to complete the following survey regarding instruction in a non-pandemic school year - https://bit.ly/3jHOw2t. Please complete one per child. Surveys must be completed before March 15.
almost 4 years ago, MCMS
Congratulations to the MCMS Academic Team! Our students did an exceptional job at the regional competition Monday. They defeated Sanders with a score of 28 to 9 and Hickory Tavern with a score of 22 to 14. They won the WPEC Academic Bowl for the year! This is a regional competition made up of schools from Laurens, Greenwood, and Newberry. Thank you also to coaches Janna Richardson and Kristin Caughman. #rebelproud
almost 4 years ago, MCMS
2021 MCMS WPEC Academic Team Chapmions
Congratulations to our 2021 King and Queen of Hearts! They helped bring our February Live to Give project with the American Heart Association to over $600.00! Winners are: overall Queen Gracie Alsbrooks, overall King Ethan Riddle, grade 8 Queen Raelyn Livingston, grade 8 King Emory Pye, grade 7 Queen Rebekah Rendleman, grade 7 King Treston Toland, grade 6 Queen Lillian Cassada, and grade 6 King Keaton Chapman. #rebelproud #livetogive
almost 4 years ago, MCMS
2021 King and  Queen  of Hearts
March Breakfast and Lunch Menus
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Congratulations! Mid-Carolina Middle School competed in the first ever virtual SC Jr. Beta Club Convention. Entries were submitted on January 19. All winners have received an invitation to compete at nationals in June in Orlando. MCMS received 17 awards including the presidential office! State 2021 winners are: SC Jr. Beta President- Zoe Reid 1st place Campaign Skit- Brayden Banks, Logan Brooks, Madison Brown, Will Hawkins, Alana Stockman, Camryn Shealy 1st place- Marketing and Communication- Zoe Frick, Kursten Long, Alana Stockman, Carter Vinson 1st place- 3-D Design- Alyssa Chapin and Lexie Dixon 1st place- Service Learning- Arie Longshore and Gabi Riddle 1st place- Black and White photo- Kylie Ringer 1st place- Mixed Media- Camryn Shealy 1st place- Recycled Art- Eliza Dixon 2nd place- Apparel Design- Addie Bowers, Ava Long, Ava Jackson, Emma Metts 2nd place- Poetry- Savannah Perez 2nd place- Portfolio- Kynley Mack, Dakota Perry and Julianne Wicker 3rd place- Creative Writing- Ava Pullen 3rd place- Speech- Hannah Quattlebaum 3rd place- Drawing- Eliza Dixon 4th place- Social Studies grade 8- Caleb Black 5th place- Solo, Duo Trio Performing Arts- Hannah Quattlebaum 5th place- Woodworking- Tanner Shell #Rebelproud! #Betacon2020 #Orlandonationals
almost 4 years ago, MCMS
National Beta Club logo
Our library fundraiser ends on Friday. Please help us reach our goal! We are currently at 61% https://www.titlewish.com/1093703
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
We need you! Fundraising orders are due March 3rd! SHOP NOW and help us exceed our goal of $10,000. Order today and remember to tell your friends & family there are only a few days left to place their orders! Go ahead, TEXT 10 friends & family now and help us reach our goal! #charlestonwrap #fundraiser #ordersareduesoon You can access online registration at https://www.charlestonwrapstore.com/non-school-registration.php! Our MCMS school code is 22022. Once you register, you’ll be able to shop to support MCMS.
almost 4 years ago, Stacey Templin