Bee's Spotlight on Corbin Knight
Bee's Spotlight on Jackson Heydeck
Bee's Spotlight on Violet Ruff
Bee's Spotlight on Kimberly Lopez Perez
Bee's Spotlight on Braxton Cruickshanks
Bee's Spotlight on Madison Thompson
Bee's Spotlight on Taylor Daise
Bee's Spotlight on Azalea Carrillo-Teran
We will have hearing and vision screenings for all students on Wednesday, October 18. If you DO NOT want your child to participate in these screenings, be sure to send a note to your child's teacher.
Bee's Spotlight on Hailie Mcleod
Bee's Spotlight on Priscilla Diaz-Vera
Bee's Spotlight on Naylan Booker
Bee's Spotlight on Harling Parker
Bee's Spotlight on Amarah Clark
Bee's Spotlight on Amari Wilson
Bee's Spotlight on Bryson Bates
Upcoming events for Newberry Area Schools
Tomorrow is makeup picture day!
Spirit Week next week to celebrate Newberry High School's Homecoming!
The Book Fair will be here next week! Parents are welcome to come visit the book fair with their child. We accept cash, check, and credit/debit cards. We also offer gift cards so that you can set a spending limit for your child. Please visit to purchase gift cards or shop the online fair.