Our multi lingual learners will be taking the WIDA ACCESS test during the next few weeks. Please contact the school if you have any questions!
✅District Recruitment Fair
🗓️Saturday, Feb. 4
📍Mid-Carolina High School - 377 Cy Shumpert Rd. Prosperity, SC 29127
⏰9-11 a.m.
🥳Certified and Classified Openings
🤝All Schools and Departments Represented
✅District Recruitment Fair
🗓️Saturday, Feb. 4
📍Mid-Carolina High School - 377 Cy Shumpert Rd. Prosperity, SC 29127
⏰9-11 a.m.
🥳Certified and Classified Openings
🤝All Schools and Departments Represented
✅District Recruitment Fair
🗓️Saturday, Feb. 4
📍Mid-Carolina High School - 377 Cy Shumpert Rd. Prosperity, SC 29127
⏰9-11 a.m.
🥳Certified and Classified Openings
🤝All Schools and Departments Represented
Recruitment Fair!
Saturday, February 4
Mid-Carolina High School
9-11 a.m.
Recruiting for all schools and departments
Celebrate the Holidays with the Holly Jolly Dress Up Days at BSE!
The School District of Newberry County announces that Friday, November 11, 2022, will be an eLearning Day for students and staff members due to the threat of severe weather from Hurricane Nicole. Strong wind gusts are forecast for Friday morning, making it unsafe to safely transport students on district buses.
Teachers will post assignments for students to complete, but there will be no live Google Meets on this day. Any student who has questions about an assignment can email his/her teacher on Friday, November 11. Students will have a five-school-day window of time to turn in eLearning assignments. If assignments are not returned within that five-school-day window, the student may be counted absent for the day. There will be no school-related activities, including athletics and Boys and Girls Club on Friday, November 11.
Again, Friday, November 11, 2022, is an eLearning Day for the District.
We are so excited to offer this opportunity to our students! If your child is interested in being part of our district-wide production of The Lion King, please use the QR code on the flyer below to get them registered. This is going to be an amazing production!
It's time for basketball registration!
Please see the important message below regarding student illness:
As we are seeing increased flu activity, we need your help to reduce the spread of germs.
• It is very important to stay home when feeling sick, and consult with your healthcare provider.
• Ill children should stay home until 24 hours after they are fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicines.
• Keep sick children at home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have vomiting or diarrhea.
• If your child has fever, vomiting or diarrhea today, they cannot come to school tomorrow.
• If you have any questions please contact your child’s school nurse.
Due to the threat of high winds and heavy rain associated with Hurricane Ian, all schools and offices will be closed Friday, September 30, with students and staff participating in eLearning. Teachers will post assignments for students to complete, but there will be no live Google Meets on this day. Students who do not have internet access will need to download assignments during school on Thursday. Students will have a five-school-day window of time to turn in eLearning assignments. If assignments are not returned within that five-school-day window, the student may be counted absent for the day. There will be no school-related activities, including athletics and Boys and Girls Club on Friday, September 30.
School District leaders will continue to work closely with our county emergency management officials to assess the impact on the district. It is expected that we will return to normal schedule on Monday, October 3.
You don't want to miss Newberry Fire Department's Kids Fun Day!
Looking for a new sport for your child to try? Check out Youth Lacrosse this Sunday with the YMCA!
Our first PTO Business Meeting for this school year will be on September 13 at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria. We would love to get your input with how the PTO can support our students! Let Ms. Counts know if you plan to attend, because SUPPER WILL BE PROVIDED!
Picture Day is next Wednesday, September 13! Information went home last week.
We will host a Boy Scouts Information Night on Tuesday, August 30 from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Boundary Street Cafeteria. If your child is interested in joining this organization, make sure you are at the meeting on Tuesday!
Nightly internet shutoff times affecting only school-issued, student devices. Please refer to the FAQ document for additional information.
We had an AWESOME first week of school!! Here are some important reminders for our parents!
The School District of Newberry County is committed to ensuring the safety of its students, staff, and spectators at athletic events.
Welcome 4th Grade Teacher, Melissa Justice, to the Bee Hive!