Here is the link to watch our Black History Month Program.
Our library fundraiser has started! Please consider donating to help us buy new books. You can donate at Our fundraiser ends on the 28th. Thank you for supporting your school library!
Help us celebrate 2/22/22!
The Athletic Awards Ceremony will be held March 17th at 5:30 in the big gym. All athletes will receive two tickets for their families to attend. Sports will include football, volleyball, Rebelettes, cheerleading, and boys and girls basketball. Food will not be served.
MCMS along with Jennifer Moore, Career Development Facilitator for the School District, discuss the various programs the School District of Newberry County has to offer students to prepare them for College and Career Readiness.
Our library is hosting a fundraiser! Every dollar donated will go towards purchasing new books for the library. Last year we raised $1,000. We would like to see if we can double that goal this year. You can donate at
Our fundraiser ends on the 28th. Thank you for supporting your school library!
Today we celebrate Mrs. Candice Dixon and Mrs. Stacey Valentine, MCMS School Counselors, as we begin National School Counselor Week. They are at the core of our MCMS family, always willing to do whatever is best for our students, staff and community! #Rebelproud! #livetogive
Congratulations to our MCMS December 2021/January 2022 Rebels of the Month. These students exemplified the Mindset, We Are Connected, We are Rebel Proud!
Congratulations to our December/January Teacher of the Month, Mrs. Betsy Hentz. Mrs. Hentz is a 6th Grade ELA teacher. Her peers state that she is an awesome teacher and mentor at MCMS! Mrs. Hentz exemplifies the mindset, We Are Connected by embracing everyone and holding positive relationships. We Are Rebel Proud!
Congratulations to our December/January Support Staff of the Month, Ms. Veda Perry. Ms. Perry is the MCMS Bookkeeper. Her peers state that she is friendly and ensures that everyone has what they need with a smile on her face. Ms. Perry exemplifies the mindset, We are Connected by holding positive relationships and leading with value. We Are Rebel Proud!
Your Counselors are here to help. If your child's last name begins with A-I, email Ms. Valentine (; if your child's last begins with J-Z email Ms. Dixon ( If you can't email, call the school, and we will return the call.
The School District of Newberry County is currently experiencing a high number of students and staff impacted by Covid-19. As a result, all schools will shift from in-person instruction to eLearning virtual instruction from Tuesday, January 18 through Friday, January 21. There will be no school-related extracurricular or after school activities from January 18- January 21.
Teachers who are not isolated or quarantined will use Google Meet to teach remotely and provide synchronous (live) instruction. The links for Google Meet, assignments, and class schedules, will be listed on the teacher’s page in Schoology. Parents who have questions regarding the requirements for eLearning virtual instruction should contact their child’s school or check their child’s Schoology.
Breakfast and lunch for January 18-21 can be picked up at Newberry Middle School, Mid-Carolina High School, or Whitmire Community School between the hours of 10:30 am – 1:00 pm each day.
We recognize that a shift of this nature impacts families and child-care, and of course, classroom instruction. However, it has become necessary as we struggle to maintain regular operations due to the high number of student and staff absences as a result of Covid-19.
It is our goal to resume in-person learning on Monday, January 24. However, we will monitor the numbers and staff availability and notify parents and staff no later than Friday, January 21, if an extension is warranted.
If your student is currently quarantined or isolated, this shift will not impact the length of the quarantine as told to them by the school nurse.
The school will follow up with additional information as necessary. You can also follow the most recent updates on the school and district websites and Facebook pages.
Again, eLearning instruction for all School District of Newberry County schools will begin on Tuesday, January 18 and will continue through January 21. We genuinely appreciate your patience and understanding as we strive to provide a safe learning environment for students and staff.
Here she comes, Miss MCMS 2022! The Miss MCMS 2022 pageant will be held on March 19. Applications can be found on Ms. Beam’s website or at the following link
All applications should be submitted via email to Ms. Beam by February 17. If you have questions, please see Ms. Beam.
Attention 8th grade parents. PSAT scores can now be accessed. Please click the attached link to access directions on how to retrieve scores.
A group of our 8th-graders will represent thousands of others across the country on February 23, 2022! Known as The Nation’s Report Card, NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students in the United States know and can do in a variety of subjects. Learn more at Eighth grade students were also given a letter today during their last core, please look over it and contact Ms. Wood with any questions.
Come teach with us!
@School District of Newberry County
The girls basketball games scheduled for today and Thursday against Dutch Fork have been cancelled. The boys basketball team will play at home today starting at 5:30 and away at Dutch Fork starting at 5:30 on Thursday.
Congratulations to Mrs. Kerry Stribble for being named November Teacher of the Month! Mrs. Stribble’s peers stated that she is a phenomenal teacher who does whatever it takes for her students.
Congratulations to Mrs. Mae Savoy for being named November Support Staff of the Month. Mrs. Mae is in the Rebel Cafe and her peers stated that she greets everyone with a smile while ensuring each person is well fed.
We are Rebel Proud of both of these ladies!
November Rebels of the Month
MCMS has power restored but no phones or internet yet. Please email or contact the district office at 803-321-2600 if you have an emergency.
Thank you Mayor Daryll Hentz for being our Educator of the Day for this week's American Education Week. We enjoyed your sharing of the book "Have You Filled a Bucket?" #weareconnected